Peter Minosh

Peter Minosh

Peter Minosh

I am excited to join Remei, the new Res Dean and our children in Winthrop House.

I am an architectural historian and theorist. I received my PhD from Columbia University and have a master’s degree in the history, theory, and criticism of architecture and art from MIT. I have taught architectural history at Oberlin College and the University of Toronto and am eager to discuss all things related to buildings, cities, and landscapes.

My research focuses on relationships between politics and the built environment. I look at how cities operate as sites for revolutionary political movements, how landscapes have related to the logistics of resource extraction, and how architects have contemplated the modernity that they build. A major focus of this is on the architecture of the eighteenth-century Atlantic World. I study the modern confluence of racism, environmental change, and liberal economics in the built infrastructures of the colonial system. I am in the process of publishing my book, Atlantic Unbound: Architecture in the World of the Haitian Revolution.

I grew up in Massachusetts and in a not-so-distant past worked as an architect in Boston. I am always happy to chat about local architecture – both inside and outside the Harvard-MIT corridor. When I am not writing about the eighteenth century, contemplating the buildings around me, or hanging out with the kids, I am usually cooking, talking about cooking, or looking for unique foods.